Social implement Laboratories



As a corporate group that develops and provides functional materials that contribute to prosperity, NOF Group takes on new challenges for innovative business with thinking outside the box, and endeavors to co-create unique value with synergies that would arise from various partners which are affiliates, other companies in the same industry, clients and public or academic research organization in the world.

Laboratory Head

Tohru Yasukohchi
General Manager of I & S Department, Corporate R&D Division

Research Outline

NOF Group continuously enhances R&D capacity focusing on three critical fields of Life & Healthcare, Electronics & IT, and Environment & Energy based on core technologies of our each division. We have newly opened I&S ( Innovation and solution providing) Department in Corporate R&D Division in charge of corporate research strategies, and strive to create new businesses by promoting open innovation and cooperation with the internal and external organizations. First, we endeavor to develop new medical and health care materials at the satellite lab in iCONM.