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Dr. Sabina Quader: Collaborating with University of Catalonia on the drug delivery research targeting neuron.

The research proposal made by Dr. Quader in collaboration with Dr. Rodriguez in 2018 was adopted by the Japan-Spain Joint Program to support early stage of research projects in the field of nanomedicine, and Dr. Quader who lives in Japan is conducting the research management on the Japanese side. This review summarizes recent advances in nanomedicine for neuron targeting.

The research being carried out by both doctors is involved in the inhibition of protein, that is related to the lipid metabolism and may be a potential neuronal target of cancer, especially glioblastoma. So far, the review articles on this subject have focused on brain targeting by nanomedicines, but none have a clear connection to neuron. Therefore, they particularly focused on the nanomedicine design and strategy for neuronal delivery of drugs that could successfully fill the gap between lab and clinical. There are three challenges in treating disorders involving nerve cells, Dr. Rodriguez said. i) the lack of specificity of the drugs clinically available; ii) the involvement of specific proteins in specific neuronal populations that are difficult to target; and iii) the necessity of a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying these diseases. The research of both doctors is continuing in order to clear these issues.

Dr. R. R-Rodriguez (Left) and Dr. S. Quader (Right)

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