NanoBio First - Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology_[Development of Innovative Diagnostic and Therapeutic Systems Based on Nanobiotechnology] NanoBio First Japanese

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Researcher data

Hiromichi KIMURA

Hiromichi KIMURA
Co-Core Researcher

Development of Evaluation Method for Eco Medicine Based Upon Cutting-edge Nanobiotechnology

There is an accelerating global trend of R&D utilizing cutting-edge nanotechnology of both drugs and medical devices. Our research takes a holistic perspective to objectively evaluate the effect of the commercialization of such innovation on the medical and social system, including national medical expenditure. As the foundation we analyze the cost efficiency of these products utilizing nanotechnology, in terms of health economics. Then their systemic impact will be explored including the direct reduction of medical costs; the number of consultation and hospitalization period; efficiency of health care productivity. The scope of the research will also explicitly assess the effect on productivity; environmental impact; job creation; to provide the broader societal context / dynamics.

Affiliation Pharmaco-Business Innovation
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science
The University of Tokyo
Specialty Life-science/Pharma business, Medical business administration
TEL 03-5842-2454
FAX 03-5684-1062
MAIL KIMURA's e-mail address
Address 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656 Japan

NanoBio First - Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology
- Development of Innovative Diagnostic and Therapeutic Systems Based on Nanobiotechnology

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