Project Report FY 2009
Research implementation status
To start the research, we searched prior literature for each sub-theme and for each item within sub-themes and exchanged information and ideas about the situations with each co-researcher regarding the progress of research that serves as the basis for this project. To share the situations, 39 people involved in the project, including the core researcher, leaders of sub-themes, and co-researchers, got together for a kickoff meeting (Mar.. 30, 2010). In the meeting, each person reported the results of the literature search, significance of sub-themes based on past literature, contents of intended research in this program, expected results, and the roadmap for returning the results to society.
Specifically, the following topics were reported and discussed:
- The significance of the technology for highly sensitive detection of cancer markers in the blood and the development plan
- Development status and experiment plan for nano devices, including polymer micelles, for accurate diagnosis and pinpoint treatment of cancer
- The plan for development of a precise navigation treatment system integrating nano devices and treatment devices
- The system to identify signaling factors for guided reconstruction of hard and soft tissue, as well as methods of construction of implant devices and implant experiments
- The evaluation system for research activities and research results, experimental studies for establishing the scheme for academic-industrial alliances and practical application, and expected research support organization to promote efficiency in cooperating with outside resources and returning the results to society
Through these activities, we grasped the most recent situations regarding the research project and, based on the situations, reviewed the research plan according to "Total research funds for each project of Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology and the reasons" (reference material for the 89th session of the Council for Science and Technology Policy). In addition, we started research and development, including discussions on the specifications for devices to be introduced or developed by each institution.