NanoBio First - Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology_[Development of Innovative Diagnostic and Therapeutic Systems Based on Nanobiotechnology] NanoBio First Japanese

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Co-Core Researcher

Study on DNA sequencing devices for microRNA

DNA sequencing analysis is expected to be applied for precise detection of microRNA as a biomarker of disieses such as cancer. In this study, DNA sequencing devices will be developed combining semiconductor technology and electrochemical detection methodology.Nucleic acid probes are immobilized on the surface of electrochemical electrodes and signals of single-base extensions are detected electrochemically for microRNA analysis. This method would be suitable for a simple and miniaturized testing system in clinical diagnostics.

Affiliation The Institute of Biomaterials and Biongineering,
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Specialty Bioelectronics
TEL 03-5280-8095
FAX 03-5280-8095
MAIL MIYAHARA's e-mail address
Address 2-3-10 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0062 Japan

NanoBio First - Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology
- Development of Innovative Diagnostic and Therapeutic Systems Based on Nanobiotechnology

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