NanoBio First - Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology_[Development of Innovative Diagnostic and Therapeutic Systems Based on Nanobiotechnology] NanoBio First Japanese

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Researcher data

Tsuneo SAGA

Tsuneo SAGA
Co-Core Researcher

Research on nano-DDS imaging

We are aiming for the establishment of "visible nanodevice" that contains multiple imaging agents such as PET/SPECT and MRI. With the imaging device having high sensitivity, quantitative ability, and spatial resolution, we can detect cancer at its very early stage. In addition, the imaging of the DDS process enables prediction and early evaluation of treatment effect. We label micelle-type nanodevice with positron emitter (Cu-64, etc.), ganma-ray emitter (In-111, etc.) and MRI contrast agents (Gd, Mn, etc.), and evaluate/optimize the biodistibution for the realization of high-quality multi-modal imaging of cancer.

Affiliation Diagnostic Imaging Program,
Molecular Imaging Center,
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Specialty Molecular Imaging Oncological Nuclear Medicine
TEL 043-206-3421
FAX 043-206-0818
MAIL SAGA's e-mail address
Address 4-9-1 Anagawa, Inage-ku, Chiba 263-8555 Japan

NanoBio First - Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology
- Development of Innovative Diagnostic and Therapeutic Systems Based on Nanobiotechnology

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