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News FY 2010

Our research on targeting therapy to treat tumor by polymeric micelles was carried in Sankei Shinbun.“Front Line of Medical Innovation, Prescription for Tomorrow, DDS that carries hopes”
Assistant Professor Kishimura received the Takagi award at the 20th Inteligent Materials/Systems Symposium. His presentation title is "Development of polyion complex nano-vesicles "PICsomes" toward novel intelligent DDS" (coauthors: Yasutaka Anraku, Stephanie Lee, Sayan Chuanoi, Kanjiro Miyata, Kazunori Kataoka).
Project meeting was held at Takeda-Hall in the University of Tokyo. 14 researchers presented their progress and plan and industry members had presented their involvement and their expectations. There were 67 participants.
NanoBio FIRST project is featured in Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun, “Changing Advanced Research, Treatment of Cancer by nano particle”
Kick-Off Meeting was held at JST office and twelve research leaders presented their research plans and there were 39 research members attended.
Council for Science and Technology Policy had approved research plans, core researchers, operational support institutions for 30 projects which had been selected on Sep. 4th in 2009.

NanoBio First - Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology
- Development of Innovative Diagnostic and Therapeutic Systems Based on Nanobiotechnology

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