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A fire drill was carried out at iCONM

On Thursday, September 20th 2018, we carried out an annual disaster prevention drill with the support of the Tonomachi branch, the Rinkai Fire Department. There were 70 participants from the center for this drill.

In addition, to assuming a fire had occurred for this drill as it always has been in the past, we simulated that the "fire occurred because of an earthquake, but the initial fire could not be extinguished. It was thus reported to the fire department and all members were evacuated to outside”, since this disaster drill was the 4th time undertaken and also response to natural disasters that have caused serious damage recently. As before, everyone was able to evacuate quickly and safely, without any injuries.

We used the occasion to expand the practical drill by carrying out a fire extinguishing drill with a small fire extinguisher and an indoor fire hydrant. We included this additional drill because since the fire extinguishing equipment was operated by our staff rather than the fire department, and we wanted to ensure that confusion would not occur at the time of fire. This "Firefighting training with indoor fire hydrant" was executed for the first time. It enabled us to experience how to open the valve and the weight and hose tension when water was put in the hose. It was exciting enough to raise a round of cheers at the power of the discharging water! In addition, mock training for the 119th emergency call was also carried out, and we were able to execute with surprisingly easy communication without being nervous. This was an invaluable practical learning experience which we plan to carry-out regularly in the future regularly.
Finally, we received personal feedback from Dr. Kataoka, Director-General and the fire commander on “the importance of responding to natural disasters” and finished the drill.

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