In December, we held an exhibition and workshop introducing our research contents and the King Sky Front area at the "Kawasaki Municipal Science Museum" in Ikuta Ryokuchi, Tama-ku, Kawasaki.
During December 5 – December 26 except Saturdays and Sundays (exclude 18th), we had an exhibition of iCONM using panels and models on 2nd Fl. Study room at Kawasaki Municipal Science Museum. A total of more than 3,000 people came to the site and we could receive many positive comments. Below, you can see the posted exhibition panels. You can also watch the video of "Abashi san and Micelle san," which was very popular with the little ones, from the following.
"I thought it would be wonderful if many people could be cured with nanomachines."
"I wished there would be “In-Body Hospitals”.""
"I was surprised to see the technology that can do various functions. I have high expectations for future research results"
"I didn’t know about the nanomachine before. I thought it would wonderful if my child would get a job like this."
"My dream is to become a medical doctor. It is exciting to think if the medical doctor would be needed in the future."
"I have an experience that I got a sick, so I could have a hope for a treatment. I hope that the nanomachines will be used in clinical practice soon."
We had 60 participants for the workshop on 19th and 26th. We held a children’s workshop “Let’s create nanomachines!” in a Morning session, and the children worked hard to form “How I wish there was such a nanomachine”. They came up with many ideas such as “Nanomachine that improves eyesight“, “Nanomachine that that absorbs cholesterol”, “Nanomachine that helps sperm and helps infertility treatment”, etc. Also, in addition to medical nanomachines, many ideas were created, such as the appearance of environmental nanomachines such as "Photosynthetic nanomachines that absorb CO2 and produce oxygen" and "Nanomachines that purify toxic substances."
On 19th, at the afternoon sessions of the workshop, Mr. Iwasaki, Vice-Director gave a lecture about history and development of southern part of Kawasaki under the theme of “History and innovation of ‘Monozukuri town ’Kawasaki coastal area”. On the 26th, Communication Officer Shimazaki gave a lecture on science and technology to minimize the super-aging society under the theme of " Handling the super-aging society with science" and exchanged opinions with the participants.
This time, we organized an event at Kawasaki north to raise awareness of our center located at Kawasaki south end. We had many visitors including the visitors from outside Kawasaki, and it was an excellent opportunity for them to understand our activities. We hope as many people as possible will be interested in this center, and that future iCONM scientists will be born from the participating children.