
The 23rd Cross Cultural Event Held

On January 20th, an online intercultural exchange event with foreign researchers and Japanese researchers and staff affiliated with iCONM was held. This event targeted iCONM staff, facility users, and members related to Kawasaki City and Kawasaki Institute of Industrial Promotion, aiming to effectively utilize our high diversity present.

This time, Wan-Ling Foo, a researcher from the Kataoka-Kino Lab at iCONM, introduced the geography, history, and culture of her home country, Malaysia. Many participants were surprised to learn that Malaysia, which gained independence from British rule in 1957, owns not only the Malay Peninsula but also part of Borneo Island. The unique system where the king is alternated every 5 years among 9 Sultans from 13 states was also a very interesting topic. The population consists of a majority of indigenous Malays, along with Chinese and Indian ethnic groups. Due to religious reasons, Malay cuisine does not include pork, and Indian cuisine does not include beef, while Chinese cuisine features both. The coexistence of these three different food cultures in a single country, while maintaining a delicate harmony, was very insightful from the perspective of Diversity Management. Additionally, various picturesque tourist destinations, represented by "Penang Island," were introduced, making everyone wish to visit at least once. Next time, it will be Japan's turn to present its culture.

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