iCONMのようなオープンイノベーション研究施設では、多様性に基づくイノベーションの創出とともに、異文化との交流による人材成長が促され、幅広い視野と、融合された専門性を持つ人材が輩出されています。このシリーズでは、その一例をご紹介していきます。第3回目は、中国から来日した Junjie Li 博士を紹介します。彼は、がん細胞が転移する際に産生するMMP(マトリックスメタロプロテアーゼ)と呼ばれる酵素に着目し、高分子ナノミセルに結合した抗がん剤が MMP により切り離されるメカニズムを持つ抗がん剤搭載ナノマシンを開発しました。その結果は、昨年Advanced Materials* で論文発表されています。
*掲載論文:”Enzymatically Transformable Polymersome-Based Nanotherapeutics to Eliminate Minimal Relapsable Cancer”, J. Li, et al., Advanced Materials, 33(49), 2105254 (2021).

Dr. Junjie Li 李軍傑
iCONMでの滞在期間:2017 – 2022
現在:九州大学先導物質化学研究所 特任准教授(田中研究室)
I have to say that I had a great time and felt very relaxed in iCONM during these five years. We feel that everything is like family here. We can get a lot of help from iCONM member and management office. We don’t need to worry about the life, particularly for foreign people.
In the field of nanomedicine, I believe iCONM already has the very good advanced facilities in the world. If needed, we may collaborate with many other research institutions and universities to ensure the access to the other advanced facilities. The whole research team is organized based on multiple fields. We have chemist, materials scientist, and biologist. Very importantly, we also have a lot of clinicians participating our research. So, from the starting, we already can know we should do what kind of research for serving society and serving the patient. The research team is very international. The researchers from different countries bring distinct thoughts for creative work. The support team is also very helpful and impressive. Everything is organized nicely and ready for the research. The only important thing is we should make our brain active.
Based on such advanced facilities, multidisciplinary and international researchers, and effective support team, I want to say “we are so lucky that everything is ready for creative work. We have to get more clear evidence for the fundamentals of nanomedicine and finally get more real products for the patients”.