No. | 日付 | 受賞者 | 受賞名 | 備考(演題・主催(表彰団体名)等) |
5 | 2024/3/19 | Dirisala Anjaneyulu iCONM主任研究員ら |
An article published in Macr- omolecular Rapid Commun- ications received one of the top 10%* of downloads. |
Macromolecular Rapid Communications *Among work published in an issue of Macromolecular Rapid Communications between 1st January 2022-31st December 2022, up to 12 months after publication. |
4 | 2023/11/15 | 片岡一則 | Highly Cited Researcher | Clarivate Plc |
3 | 2023/9/19 | 片岡一則 | クラリベイト引用栄誉賞 | Clarivate |
2 | 2023/7/21 | 持田祐希 iCONM副主幹研究員(東京医科歯科大学 講師) | IPC2023 Young Scientist Poster Award | 13th IPC (International Polymer Conference) |
1 | 2023/5/22 | 片岡一則 | 向井賞 | 公益財団法人東京応科学技術振興財団 |