About iCONM
- Our Vision
- Message from the Center Director and Chairperson
- Facility Outline
- Research Equipment
- History of iCONM
- Organization Chart
- Regulatory Compliance
- Conflict of Interest in Industry-Academic-Government Cooperation
- Members
A Message From the Director General

(Doctor of Engineering)
Located on the shore opposite Haneda Airport, Tonomachi Kawasaki District is fittingly named “KING SKYFRONT.” The formation of the "International Strategic Special Zone” is progressing steadily, where new industries are created through R&D at the world’s highest level in the field of life science and environment.
The Innovation Center of NanoMedicine (iCONM) started operation in April this year as a core center of this area. Aiming to achieve a “Smart Health Society” where people will be free from the threat of diseases and gaining better health in their daily lives, various projects that were previously mere science fiction are now moving forward with the aim to realize a “In-Body Hospitals” with smart nanomachines of a virus size (-50nm) that provide necessary diagnostic and therapeutic services, anytime and anywhere.
As an opportunity for various researchers and talents to mingle and mix freely, it is designed with many open spaces to promote active interaction among researchers. The environment is ideal for supporting open innovation, and is ripe for creating new businesses and ventures.
We will do our utmost to maintain the research environment, including the smooth administration of facilities, in order to successfully head towards the implementation of our goals.
I would like to thank our related members including hometown Tonomachi for the kind understanding, cooperation and valuable support.
A Message From the Chairperson

Chairperson, Kawasaki Institute of Industrial Promotion
The Innovation Center of NanoMedicine (iCONM) is a research center established by the Kawasaki Institute of Industrial Promotion with the support of Kawasaki City at the “KING SKYFRONT” where Kawasaki City promotes the formation of a world-class innovation center in life science and environmental field which will become Kawasaki’s core industry in the future.
As the core facility, we are engaged in activities aiming to create innovative technologies in the life sciences field and realization of research outcome.
Optimizing the convenience of location near Haneda International Airport and making the most of the unique features of gathering industry, academia, and government under the one roof, preparing open innovation system through collaboration between diverse human resources both in Japan and overseas, we will keep up promoting R&D and social implementation.
Your support and cooperation are greatly appreciated.
Thank you.