About iCONM


  • Dec.2011

    KING SKYFRONT (KSF) was designated as the International Strategic Comprehensive Special Zone

    With the idea of creating a new Industry in the Keihin Industrial area, work on the formation of the world's highest level R&D center started.

  • Mar.2013

    Grants adopted for iCONM construction

    Adopted by MEXT for "Improvement of international science Innovation bases using local resources under Industry-University collaboration".

  • Oct.

    Adopted for COI Poject, COINS started

    Adopted for COI STREAM by MEXT/JST with the Kawasaki Institute of Industrial Promotion as the core institution.
    Started activities as COINS (Center of Open Innovation Network for Smart Health).

  • May.2014

    KSF was designated as National Strategic Special Zone

  • Apr.2015

    iCONM was established

    Established as diverse industry-academia-government multi-collaborative hub under one roof .
    Multi-collaboration laboratories gathered here as core institutions of COINS.

  • Feb.2016

    Signed MOU with University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), United States to promote academic and research collaboration

  • Mar.2017

    Signed MOU with Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia to promote academic and research collaboration

  • Nov.2018

    Article about "In-Body Hospitals" was featured in prestigious scientific journal Nature

    "In-Body-Hospitals" which is the main theme of iCONM and COINS, was featured in Nature.

  • Jan.2019

    Collaboration research started with Universitat International de Catalunya (UIC) Barcelona, Spain

  • Mar.2022

    COINS project has been completed

    Achieving numerous outcomes, the nine-year project was successfully completed with JST assessment S+.
    2021: 3rd Japan Open Innovation Prize: "Selection Committee Special Award"
    2022: Innovation Award 2022 "The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award"

  • Apr.

    Signed MOU with Universitat International de Catalunya (UIC) Baracelona, Spain to promote academic and research collaboration

  • Jun.

    In collaboration with BioLabs Inc. (USA), incubation facility opened

    Incubation laboratory operation has started to accelerate the growth of startups.
    Collaboration with BioLabs, a global incubator with a world-class track record and experience.

  • Oct.

    Adopted for COI-NEXT, Project ''CHANGE'' started

    Adopted for "COI-NEXT*" of MEXT/JST as a full-scale type co-creation area with the Kawasaki Institute of Industrial Promotion as the core institution.
    Started activities as Project "CHANGE**"     
    *Open Innovation Platform for Industry-academia co-creation
    **Center of Healthy longevity and Nursing innovation with Global Ecosystem

  • May.2023

    Signed a basic agreement with The University of Tokyo and Kawasaki City on the promotion and dissemination of nano-medicine and nursing care innovation

  • Jun.

    Featured in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) " Science, Technology, and Innovation White Paper 2023"

    Introduced as a case of open innovation center contributing to regional revitalization.

    Signed MOU with Tokyo University of technology to promote mutual cooperation in achievement and understanding through research and education

  • Jun.2024

    Signed MOU with University of Engineering Technologies of Turkmenistan to promote academic and research exchange