About iCONM
- Our Vision
- Message from the Center Director and Chairperson
- Facility Outline
- Research Equipment
- History of iCONM
- Organization Chart
- Regulatory Compliance
- Conflict of Interest in Industry-Academic-Government Cooperation
- Members
KING SKYFRONT (KSF) was designated as the International Strategic Comprehensive Special Zone
With the idea of creating a new Industry in the Keihin Industrial area, work on the formation of the world's highest level R&D center started.
Grants adopted for iCONM construction
Adopted by MEXT for "Improvement of international science Innovation bases using local resources under Industry-University collaboration".
Adopted for COI Poject, COINS started
Adopted for COI STREAM by MEXT/JST with the Kawasaki Institute of Industrial Promotion as the core institution.
Started activities as COINS (Center of Open Innovation Network for Smart Health). -
KSF was designated as National Strategic Special Zone
iCONM was established
Established as diverse industry-academia-government multi-collaborative hub under one roof .
Multi-collaboration laboratories gathered here as core institutions of COINS. -
Signed MOU with University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), United States to promote academic and research collaboration
Signed MOU with Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia to promote academic and research collaboration
Article about "In-Body Hospitals" was featured in prestigious scientific journal Nature
"In-Body-Hospitals" which is the main theme of iCONM and COINS, was featured in Nature.
Collaboration research started with Universitat International de Catalunya (UIC) Barcelona, Spain
COINS project has been completed
Achieving numerous outcomes, the nine-year project was successfully completed with JST assessment S+.
2021: 3rd Japan Open Innovation Prize: "Selection Committee Special Award"
2022: Innovation Award 2022 "The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award" -
Signed MOU with Universitat International de Catalunya (UIC) Baracelona, Spain to promote academic and research collaboration
In collaboration with BioLabs Inc. (USA), incubation facility opened
Incubation laboratory operation has started to accelerate the growth of startups.
Collaboration with BioLabs, a global incubator with a world-class track record and experience. -
Adopted for COI-NEXT, Project ''CHANGE'' started
Adopted for "COI-NEXT*" of MEXT/JST as a full-scale type co-creation area with the Kawasaki Institute of Industrial Promotion as the core institution.
Started activities as Project "CHANGE**"
*Open Innovation Platform for Industry-academia co-creation
**Center of Healthy longevity and Nursing innovation with Global Ecosystem -
Signed a basic agreement with The University of Tokyo and Kawasaki City on the promotion and dissemination of nano-medicine and nursing care innovation
Featured in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) " Science, Technology, and Innovation White Paper 2023"
Introduced as a case of open innovation center contributing to regional revitalization.
Signed MOU with Tokyo University of technology to promote mutual cooperation in achievement and understanding through research and education
Signed MOU with University of Engineering Technologies of Turkmenistan to promote academic and research exchange